

Editoral Boards of Scientific Journals

Scientific journals

Nucleic Acids Research  |  PLoS Genetics  |  BMC Evolutionary Biology  |  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  |  PLoS One  |  Animal Genetics  |  Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics  |  Small Ruminant Research  |  International Journal of Legal Medicine  |  Journal of Virological Methods  |  African Journal of Biotechnology  |  The Scientific World journal  |  BioTechniques  |  Journal of Integrativ​e Agricultur​e  |  Journal of Heredity  |  Livestock Science  |  Wildlife Society Bulletin  |  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society  |  Forensic Science International: Genetics  |  Invertebrate Systematics  |  Molecular Genetics and Metabolism  |  Investigative Genetics  |  Mitochondrial DNA  |  PeerJ  |  Food Control  |  Scientific Reports  |  Biochemical Genetics  |  Zoological Science  |  Genes  |  African Journal of Ecology  |  Diagnostics.

Review Award

Granting agencies