Filipe Pereira
Researcher | PhD in Genetics | MBA | Founder @ IDENTIFICA
Research topics
Molecular diagnostics and species identification
Our aim is to develop reliable and cost-effective methods for broad spectrum biological identification that are appropriate for use in suboptimal samples and are amenable to different high-throughput genotyping platforms. We also develop molecular kits to be used for characterization of domestic breeds and fraud detection in processed food products.
Non-B DNA conformations, genomic rearrangements and disease
Our main objective is to understand how such high-order DNA and RNA structures are formed in vitro and what is their role in genome organization, instability and evolution. We mainly focus on two models systems: mitochondrial and viral genomes. In particular, animal mtDNA and RNA viruses have in common a high mutation rate, short genomes, large number of available sequences and frequent genomic rearrangements.
Genetic analysis of animal domestication
Our aim is to decipher the origin and subsequent movements of animal pastoralism in different world regions, with emphasis on Southern Europe and Northern Africa. We use data from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), Y chromosome and insertionally polymorphic endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) for the investigation of biodiversity, and the characterization of animal genetic resources.
Selected Publications
Carneiro J, Pereira F
EbolaID: An Online Database of Informative Genomic Regions for Ebola Identification and Treatment
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2016. 10(7): e0004757. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004757
Damas J, Carneiro J, Amorim A, Pereira F.
MitoBreak: The mitochondrial DNA breakpoints database.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2014. 42 (D1): D1261-D1268 doi:10.1093/nar/gkt982
Damas J, Samuels DC, Carneiro J, Amorim A, Pereira F.
Mitochondrial DNA rearrangements in health and disease – a comprehensive study.
Human mutation. 2014. 35(1):1-14. doi: 10.1002/humu.22452
Damas J, Carneiro J, Gonçalves J, Stewart JB, Samuels DC, Amorim A, Pereira F.
Mitochondrial DNA deletions are associated with non-B DNA conformations.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2012. 40 (16): 7606-7621.
Pereira F, Carneiro J, Matthiesen R, van Asch B, Pinto N, Gusmão L, Amorim A.
Identification of species by multiplex analysis of variable-length sequences.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2010. 38 (22): e203.
Chessa B, Pereira F, Arnaud F, Amorim A, […], Bruford MW, Kantanen J, Spencer TE and Palmarini M.
Revealing the history of sheep domestication using retrovirus integrations.
Science. 2009. 324:532-536.
Pereira F, Soares P, Carneiro J, Pereira L, Richards M, Samuels DC, Amorim A.
Evidence for variable selective pressures at a large secondary structure of the human mitochondrial DNA control region.
Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2008. 25:2759–2770.
Commercial applications

SPInDel kit